Roque Squadron and Wraith Squadron Patches |
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Wraith Squadron Unit Patch - by Cliff Watson "...The main element of the design was a white circle, over which, in light gray, appeared the central symbol of the New Republic, a design like the stylized bird with upswept wings. Over that were twelve X-wing silhouettes, as if viewed from above, in black; one, in the lower left portion of the circle, was large, and the eleven arrayed around it a third its size. All were oriented the same direction, from lower left to upper right, as though flying in tight, precise formation. Around the white circle was a broad blue ring bordered by two narrow gold rings."Aaron Allston, Solo Command |
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Rogue Squadron Crest - by Cliff Watson "Gavin Darklighter had created the crest and with Zraii's help had linked a digitized image of it into the start-up and communications packages in the squadron. The crest, which featured a twelve-pointed red star with the Alliance crest in blue at the center, had an X-wing at each point of the star. Though the image was not sanctioned by the Alliance, astrotechs had started painting it on the squadron's X-wings and Emtry had requisitioned unit patches that featured the design"Michael A. Stackpole, Rogue Squadron |
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